

Allows you to mint new NFTs on the contract.

By default, the NFT metadata is uploaded and pinned to IPFS before minting. You can override this default behavior by providing a string that points to valid metadata object instead of an object.


Mint a new NFT to the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.Mint(new NFTMetadataWithSupply() {
    supply = 1,
    metadata = new NFTMetadata() {
        name = "My NFT", // Name of the NFT
        image = "my-image-url", // An image URL or IPFS URI
        // Any other valid metadata properties


The same as mint, but allows you to specify the address of the wallet rather than using the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.MintTo("{{wallet_address}}", new NFTMetadataWithSupply() {
    supply = 1,
    metadata = new NFTMetadata() {
        name = "My NFT", // Name of the NFT
        image = "my-image-url", // An image URL or IPFS URI
        // Any other valid metadata properties


Mint additional quantity of an NFT that already exists on the contract.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.MintAdditionalSupply("{{token_id}}", 1);


The same as mintAdditionalSupply, but allows you to specify the address of the wallet rather than using the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.MintAdditionalSupplyTo("{{wallet_address", "{{token_id}}", 1);